Being a student ends when we graduate. Our workday ends when we drive home. But our job of being a disciple of Jesus Christ never ends.
When I started UO lab several weeks ago, I thought about the people I would be grouped with for the class. I thought about it, but I never worried about it. I knew God would place the people in my life that I needed and who needed me. He wanted me to be His light. And I had no idea of how He could use me but I never doubted Him.
Something important to know is that God uses us in ways we don't even know about. We are sharing His love just by being who He made us to be.
I remember at the beginning of UO lab, my lab mates would all swear constantly. At one point, they kind of made fun of me for not swearing at all, but I was proud of the fact that I never swore. I was proud that I didn't swear because swearing hurts God and I didn't want to hurt God, no matter what others thought of me.
Funny enough, towards the end of UO lab, I noticed my lab mates swearing significantly less. Not because I told them not to swear, but because they noticed something in me and chose to stop on their own. They noticed God's light. And at that point, I realized how simply God can use me to be a light without me even noticing it.
I had always struggled with directly sharing my faith with others. Bringing Him up in conversation scared me, and although I've gotten a lot better, it still does. I often got upset with myself that I wasn't being a good enough Christian and that God wasn't happy with me because I wasn't doing a good enough job. But none of that is true. God used me, with the introverted personality that I have, in a way that I never would've guessed that He would.
You never know what God may be doing in someone's life, so never stop sharing His love! God made you exactly how He wanted to make you. And He has the power to use you to grow His kingdom, in ways you can't even imagine. As long as you're doing what you feel God is calling you to do, God will never fail you. You never know how God could be using you, so never stop doing YOU.
xo, Adrienne.