Friday Favorites!

By Adrienne Marie - August 12, 2016

Hope you enjoy the 4 things I've been loving this week!

1. Favorite Book: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up by Marie Kondo

I've been reading this book for a week or so and it's such a great read! I'm a big fan of all things encouraging personal growth so this book is right up my alley! If you're feeling weighed down by the mass of things you own, I highly recommend it! I'm definitely going to do a whole blog post reviewing the book so be on the lookout for that!

2. Favorite (throwback) Show: Gilmore Girls!
Ok so Gilmore Girls has been my all time favorite show since I was like 12 but with the revival coming out in November, I've been watching it non-stop, usually in the background of whatever I'm doing. I even got one of my labmates watching it!
This is my all time favorite scene from Gilmore Girls. #teamjess

3. Favorite Song: Sparrows by Jason Gray
I kinda have to thank Ash for this one. It's been on repeat since she told me about it, even though I had heard about it before. My favorite part is,

"If He can hold the world, He can hold this moment.
Not a field nor flower escapes His notice.
Oh even the sparrow knows He holds tomorrow."


4. Favorite Treat: The Periodic Table of CUPCAKES
So the day before our last day of UO lab, a few of us decided to make the periodic table of CUPCAKES for our picnic the next day. Not gonna lie, I had some low expectations just because it seemed to Pinterest worthy. 
But, low and behold, I was impressed. I would expect nothing less from a group of Chemical Engineers. And as an addd bonus, the Chemical Engineering department paid for all our materials because they paid for all the food for the picnic.

Have an awesome and joyful weekend!
xo, Adrienne

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