California Dreamin'

By Adrienne Marie - July 02, 2016

So in a previous post I said how I had mostly been in California since the school year ended. 

And now I'll be heading back to the 'burg to start classes (the excitement is as loud as a pin drop lol). No but I'm actually excited to get back to school and into my normal routine again. As much as slumming around can sound really good after an awfully stressful semester, it can get old really quickly.

So until I'm back at school, these are some of the things I've been up to in CA. Most of which consist of me taking pictures of the weird things my puppy does.
To save almost $6000 in moving costs, my brother and dad decided to roadtrip from Atlanta to California. They drove 10+ hours for 5 days and I don't know how they did it. I just barely make the 4 hour drive to Blacksburg.
Oreo waits for her daddy (but we all know she's actually just waiting for the food he's cooking).

For a while, this is what I woke up to every morning. A lovely view of boxes...boxes on boxes on boxes. They would all eventually be unpacked and everything put in their place.
Between being in CA and VA, I got to go to a Luke Bryan concert with one of my best frans, Ashley. And with the time difference and my jetlag, I woke up 10 minutes before I was supposed to leave for the concert....which was at 7pm...
But after a little bit, I was headed back to CA to help my dad tile the floor in a couple rooms in the new house, which I will likely make an entire post about since it was quite the learning process (but we ended up saving around $6000 doing it ourselves!).
But we got to see Finding Dory in the meantime which was absolutely amazing and baby Dory is the cutest thing ever. Just saying.
And your girl made a rainbow bagel...that obviously Oreo wanted to eat.

And by the way, it almost never rains here in CA. In the Monterey Peninsula area, the temperature is, year round, always around 70 degrees F (which you can now understand why my parents wanted to move here).
It's the complete opposite from all the rain and flooding I've heard about on the east coast.

This puppy dog can be a little pest sometimes. But she is also a wonderful bundle of joy and an incredible blessing from God. 

We got to test many a restaurants in the Monterey Peninsula area and La Bahia (Mexican) and Gianni's (pizza) are our faves. And also, chocolate cookie dough ice cream/gelato is my newest favorite thing. 
Oh ya, and when I said my dog does some weird things, this is what I mean. I'm inside working on the floor when I look out the window and OREO IS CLIMBING A TREE. Like she was a good 20 feet up the tree, probably chasing a squirrel. I was just like WHAT IN THE WORLD, OREO.
And poor girl, she didn't know how to come down so she face planted and ended up with a bloody lip...but don't worry, she recovered fast.
Yes, Oreo, that is the best way to get on the chair.

For all my fellow couponers out there, your girl got 6 deodorants and 3 chapsticks for $1.31 (normally $19.14)!
And all of the food for $10.94 (normally $52.15)! Target is easily one of my favorite places to get deals!
Dad and I got a round in at Pacific Grove Golf Links. The deer wanted to play with us too, they joined us on the green a few times.
The course had beautiful views of the ocean and a fraction of the price of Pebble Beach or Spyglass or the Inn at Spanish Bay (only $37!). 

God is good. All the time. 
Until next time California...

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