Adrienne's 5 Friday Favorites

By Adrienne Marie - June 24, 2016

These are the five things that I have been loving this week! They're in no particular order, just how they popped into my head!

1. Favorite Shoes: Jack Rogers

I have been looking for a pair of sandals like these ones for quite some time now. At first, I was eyeing these Tory Burch Millers but I couldn't justify forking over $200 for a pair of sandals. 
But I had also been looking at Jack Rogers when I came across this pair on sale at my local Marshall's! Since it's summer now, I've worn them to church for the past month. I love them because they can be casual or dressy depending on what you pair them with!

2. Favorite Song: "You Love Me Anyway" by Sidewalk Prophets
I have been OBSESSED with this song since I heard it on the radio a couple weeks ago. Every line of this song is perfection but there's one part that I think is so beautiful and so powerful:

"See now, I am the man who yelled out from the crowd
For Your blood to be spilled on this earth shaking ground.
Yes then, I turned away with a smile on my face
With this sin in my heart tried to bury Your grace.
And then alone in the night, I still called out for You
So ashamed of my life, my life, my life.
But You love me anyway.
Oh God, how You love me."

It so vividly depicts what Jesus did on the cross for us. He died so we can live freely! And even if we turn our backs on Him, He will never forsake us. He is never changing and loves us always, no matter what we do. And I think that's pretty cool. 

If you want to listen to some other songs by Sidewalk Prophets, I also love "Help Me Find It" and "Keep Making Me." They are both wonderful and beautiful songs. 

3. Favorite Hobby: Quote Drawing(?)
I've been loving spending time with God everyday drawing any verse or lyric that I really feel He is using to speak to me. When I'm drawing, it really just helps me slow down from whatever I'm doing to really feel God's presence and think about what He is trying to say to me. I've been just using index cards and a really tiny tipped gel pen to draw them but any piece of paper and pen would do! And also I mean, who doesn't love being artsy? 
PS: I guess you could also count the cookie dough ice cream in the picture above as a sixth favorite...

4. Favorite Place: Pebble Beach, CA
My parents recently bought a house over here on the west coast and I've been spending most of my time here since the school year ended. I have been incredibly blessed to have been able to travel to some amazingly beautiful places in the world but I kid you not, this place trumps all others.
The house is a short walk to the beach which is absolutely stunning. In the many times I've walked there, I have often thought about how wonderful heaven must be if this is what God created on earth. It's that beautiful!
Please note the two seagulls perched on the rocks in the picture above...chillin' like villains.

5. Favorite App/Website: Swagbucks
I've been on and off using Swagbucks for about a year now. But recently have been using it as my primary search engine. Swagbucks is powered by Yahoo and when you search through Swagbucks, you can earn free gift cards for certain searches!
I'm not going to lie, it takes a little while to acquire enough Swagbucks to redeem for a gift card but even just by using it as your primary search engine, the Swagbucks will add up quickly! You can earn anywhere from 3 to 39 Swagbucks for certain searches. That's equivalent to $0.03 to $0.39 per search, but it all depends on the key words you use. 
Searching isn't the only way you can earn Swagbucks. My favorite ways to earn are by answering surveys and answering the daily poll. And occasionally they have really good deals with other companies that give you Swagbucks.
Last week they had a deal when you sign up for a Birchbox subscription (which is $10 per month), they'll give you 1500 Swagbucks (which is equivalent to $15). If you just cancel your subscription after one month, it's like you just MADE $5!
I've earned over 5400 Swagbucks (equivalent to $54) through different activities. And if you wait until the beginning of each month, the first $25 gift card you redeem for is discounted to 2200 Swagbucks instead of 2500. You can sign up here!

Have a joyful weekend and stay tuned next week for another 5 Friday Favorites!

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